The Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is ready for examination and adoption by CBC. It will be a statutory document that planning authorities consult when determining planning applications.
The NP documents have already been the subject of considerable consultation and feedback. This is your opportunity to give feedback on the consultation drafts. This is called Reg 14 consulation and lasts for 6 weeks. The form for feedback will be open up until 1st February. There will also be a face-to-face workshop where you can look at and comment on paper copies of the Neighbourhood Plan in the Ellen Pettit Hall on Saturday 18th January between 10am and 1pm. Do please come along to see how they look when printed.
The Neighbourhood Plan consists of three documents: the Neighbourhood Plan itself, the Green Infrastructure Plan and the Design Guidance and Codes.
Here are these three documents for you to download and read.
If you have any feedback, we would love to hear it. Just click the Comments button below and fill in your thoughts. Feel free to submit as many comments as you like.